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  1. about 23 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    The problem is that every time we do an across the board “peace dividend” type of cut to defense, we end up regretting it later.

    Better to implement a system by which waste, excess bureaucracy, and inefficiencies are rooted out & dealt with, but also a lot harder and with the potential to slaughter some sacred cows.

  2. 3 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Remember how back during the early days of the Covid situation there was speculation that Covid was the result of a lab leak in Wuhan?

    E-mails and other bits have, allegedly, emerged indicating that some top-level “experts” here in the US, possibly even Fauci himself, had reason to initially suspect a lab leak as well but chose to not investigate due to matters possibly unrelated to science and may have possibly even attempted to cover up their own early suspicions for those same reasons.

    These are massive claims, with equally massive consequences if they’re even remotely true.

  3. 3 days ago on Matt Davies

    If the prosecution had gone with the misdemeanor charges, they could have easily won in court and the Democrats could honestly and legitimately refer to Trump as a “convicted criminal”.

    A hung jury would leave doubt over the situation, and an acquittal would seem like a rebuke to the whole effort to prosecute Trump.

  4. 3 days ago on Edge City

    As I noted earlier, several story arcs throughout the course of the series made it clear that Abby was actually a rather terrible counselor who by all rights should have one day found herself facing a malpractice suit. Her violating HIPPA (et al) should be no surprise in that regards.)

  5. 3 days ago on Matt Davies

    I think it more plausible that the trial will end in a hung jury. Normally what Trump is accused of is a misdemeanor unless it was done to cover up another crime, but the prosecution brought felony charges instead without really explaining to anyone just what that “other crime” ostensibly was. Couple this with the unorthodox instructions the judge gave the jurors, and it’s more than likely they’ll be too deadlocked or confused to continue.

  6. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Speaking as someone who is in the mainstream media?

    Mainstream outlets don’t always get it right, such as when Mary Mapes prioritized getting a story involving memos ostensibly written by George W. Bush’s former commanding officer to air ahead of the 2004 elections over actually vetting those memos. If she had, she’d have realized that there was reason to doubt the provenance of those memos and thus still have a career.

    Conversely, non-mainstream outlets are sometimes right on the money, such as when the National Enquirer broke the news of John Edwards’ extramarital affair, destroying his presidential campaign.

    The goal should be for people to look at what is being said, see who is saying it, and dig deeper from there. It’s also why a sensible person should get their news from more than one outlet & compare notes as they do.

  7. 3 days ago on Chip Bok

    Sheffles’ charges have officially been dropped, and now the arresting officer is himself under investigation for unprofessional conduct.

  8. 3 days ago on Lisa Benson

    The problem is that the prosecutor is pushing for felony charges for a crime that, under most circumstances, is a misdemeanor. It’s generally only a felony if it was done to help hide another crime, and the prosecution’s argument that “it swayed the election!” is so dangerous that any social media platform which suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story could face legal action under that same logic.

    IMHO, the most likely result is going to be a hung jury due to confusion over the whole mess.

  9. 3 days ago on Ziggy

    For those readers in the future who might see this →

    Incredible though it might seem, there was in fact a time when over-the-air broadcast radio and television stations would sign off during the overnight hours due to the belief that the audience available during this period wasn’t enough to justify the cost of continued operations. It would be the 2000s before most stations would consistently be on the air 24/7/365.

  10. 3 days ago on Bloom County

    If Steve was raised as a proper Southerner, then he should have been raised to understand and respect the notion of common courtesy. I hail from Texas (moving here when I was a child), and can testify to this.

    If he wasn’t taught, then that’s a reflection on his parents and raises the question of just how much of his behavior is on them. Academia Waltz suggested that his parents weren’t entirely all there, raising the prospect that his home life wasn’t what it should have been even for that era.

    If they tried to teach him but failed, it’s a question of how the failure happened.